The office's
business filings division helps businesses comply with various statutory obligations from the time business is formed, during its existence, and through any eventual dissolution. The
business records division provides certificates of entities' registration and authorization to do business in Kentucky. The business office also processes applications for and maintains records of
trademarks and service marks registered in the state. The
UCC division is the state repository for financing statements regarding security interests. Many of these services can be accessed
online. Finally, the business records division process
notary applications and issues
apostilles and authentications of official documents.
Other resources, including links to agencies, organizations and websites that may be useful to your business; the
bulk data subscription service and
prepaid accounts are also available through this website.
If you have any questions about the Secretary of State's Office of Business, please contact the division for the services in which you are interested.

Government buys everything from paper clips to parking garages. Our Kentucky First program helps private businesses get government contracts, so we can keep those dollars in the Commonwealth and they can help keep our economy going and growing.
Click here for more information and resources about the government procurement process.